Test 10 domande PPL(A) English - Private Pilot License (Aircraft) - Performance and flight planning, tempo libero

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1 - The upper limit of LO R 4 equals... See annex (PFP-030) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 16
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2 - (For this questions use attachment or CAP697 SEP1 Fig. 2.2 Table 2.2.3) For planning a VFR flight, the following data are given: Flight time with planning "overhead-overhead" = 2h 43min Pressure Altitude = 6.500 ft Temperature = ISA-20 Power setting = 2300 RPM Taxi Fuel = 2 USG Additional time for climb = 7 min, Additional time for approach and landing = 10 min The reserve fuel has to be 30% of trip fuel. Determine the minimum block fuel: (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 21
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3 - The center of gravity has to be located...
4 - The term "maximum elevation figure" (MEF) is defined as...
5 - (For this questions, use attachment or CAP697 SEP1 Fig. 2.2 Table 2.2.3) Planning a flight from EDWF (Leer Papenburg) to EDWH (Oldenburg Hatten), the following conditions apply: Cruise level = FL 75 Temperature = ISA Cruise weight = 3400 lbs Power setting = 23.0 in. HG @ 2300 RPM Determine True Airspeed (TAS) and Fuel Flow (FF): (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 21
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6 - When preparing to carry out the weighing procedure on an aircraft, which of the following is required?
7 - (For this questions use attachment or CAP697 SEP1 Fig. 2.2 Table 2.2.3) For planning a VFR flight, the following data are given: Flight time with planning "overhead-overhead" = 2h 42min Pressure Altitude = 7.500 ft Temperature = ISA Power setting = 2300 RPM Taxi Fuel = 2 USG Additional time for climb = 8 min, Additional time for approach and landing = 10 min The reserve fuel has to be 30% of trip fuel. Determine the minimum block fuel: (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 21
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8 - Given the following conditions, the take-off distance equals... Outside air temperature: -20° C Pressure Altitude: 5000 ft Aeroplane mass: 750 kg Headwind: 10 kt
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9 - Up to which altitude is an overflight prohibited according to the NOTAM? See figure (PFP-024) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 18
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10 - The total weight of an aeroplane is acting vertically through the...